Wednesday, 31 January 2018

6 SEO Tips to Help Small Businesses Get Ahead In 2018

When Google first published its free publication explaining the steps it takes to decide what ranks where in search results (How Search Works), it said the Web was made up of “over 30 trillion individual pages”. That wa... [article continues]


5 Editorial Guidelines Based Tips To Writing Better Content

Explore the results and think if you can write something that stands out. Use an SEO tool to find competitors’ most shared content. For instance, open Serpstat and go to Website Analysis > Domain Analysis > SEO Research > To... [article continues]


How to Start a Travel Blog: The Complete Guide

...getting started, defer to the experts. Blogging Wizard shares some of the must-have plugins that can help with SEO, analytics, backups, safety, and speeding up your blog. Get the next article in your inbox Join 20,000 others who get... [article continues]


Tuesday, 30 January 2018

7 Business Leaders share their top tips for success

...“Although most businesses are now online, some still struggle to achieve significant brand growth through SEO. A strong content marketing strategy works to increase SEO, as it crosses the divide ...


'Onmyoji': A Beginner's Guide and How to Save Money

Like this article? We pride ourselves on delivering quality, long-form articles like this one instead of the SEO-driven click bait that is slowly taking over the internet. Unfortunately, articles like these rarely generate the traffic (and as a result ...


17 Quick Tips To Boost Your Pinterest Following

But most importantly: they make it easier for followers to find you. Never underestimate the power of Pinterest SEO. 2 billion searches are made every month on Pinterest. And 87% of pinners bought something because of Pinterest. Now... [article continues]


18 Quick Tips to Improve Your Site Speed

But site speed does more than scare off potential visitors. A slow site will negatively affect your SEO performance. Google factors in site speed in its search algorithm. If your pages don’t load fast, you have a lesser chanc... [article continues]


Monday, 29 January 2018

Simple Tips for Getting Cheaper Car Insurance

Chief editor and author at LERAblog, writing useful articles and HOW TOs on various topics. Particularly interested in topics such as Internet, advertising, SEO, web development, and business.


Internet Marketing Company fishbat Shares Five Digital Marketing Tips and Tricks for A Start-Up

4. Invest in SEO. Your website is a silent salesman. You want to get people to it. This requires SEO. Each product or service should have a specific list of keywords associated with it. Start-ups will want to use those words in thei... [article continues]


6 Adwords Copywriting Tips That Will Grab Anyone’s Attention

For example, if a listicle was titled, “101 tips for SEO,” you can rightfully expect a substantial time commitment to read through it. That’s 101 tips for crying out loud. It’s going to take time. But user... [article continues]


Internet Marketing Company fishbat Shares Five Digital Marketing Tips and Tricks for A Start-Up

4. Invest in SEO. Your website is a silent salesman. You want to get people to it. This requires SEO. Each product or service should have a specific list of keywords associated with it. Start-ups will want to use those words in thei... [article continues]


Saturday, 27 January 2018

Life-Saving Tips When Travelling With Kids

Chief editor and author at LERAblog, writing useful articles and HOW TOs on various topics. Particularly interested in topics such as Internet, advertising, SEO, web development, and business.


Tips for Using Friends with Benefits Dating Sites

Chief editor and author at LERAblog, writing useful articles and HOW TOs on various topics. Particularly interested in topics such as Internet, advertising, SEO, web development, and business.


Wedding venue search tips from the wedding ninjas: wedding planners

...majorly sucks about search engines is that the people that are at the top, are usually there because they pay SEO teams to be there. It drowns out a lot of the little guys that might be perfect for you. This is especially true ...... [article continues]


10 Must Have WordPress Plugins for 2018

Original source: 10 Must Have WordPress Plugins for 2018 via DailySEOblog.

So, you have a WordPress site that you have put in a lot of effort designing, updating and optimizing. Well, you’re not alone, given that almost 16 million websites have been created on WordPress as of 2017. Not just that, Google recorded 37 million global searches for WordPress per month, as of 2016. This free,...


Friday, 26 January 2018

Tips On How To Promote Your Website

...the higher your ranking climbs. Google notes that incoming links are one of the top three ranking factors for SEO on the Google Search Engine but the content that links to your website must be quality content or else ...


Tips On How To Promote Your Website

...the higher your ranking climbs. Google notes that incoming links are one of the top three ranking factors for SEO on the Google Search Engine but the content that links to your website must be quality content or else ...


Tips On How To Promote Your Website

...the higher your ranking climbs. Google notes that incoming links are one of the top three ranking factors for SEO on the Google Search Engine but the content that links to your website must be quality content or else ...


6 SEO Tips to Help Small Businesses Get Ahead In 2018

When Google first published its free publication explaining the steps it takes to decide what ranks where in search results (How Search Works), it said the Web was made up of “over 30 trillion individual pages”. That wa... [article continues]


Thursday, 25 January 2018

Tips On How To Promote Your Website

...the higher your ranking climbs. Google notes that incoming links are one of the top three ranking factors for SEO on the Google Search Engine but the content that links to your website must be quality content or else ...


Do You Trust Google for SEO Advice?

Yesterday I published a news story about structured data markup for local SEO. What John Mueller said was factually different from what Google’s own Developers Page stated. Google’s own Developers Page contradicte... [article continues]


Blogging 101: 5 Tips for New Bloggers

Make it YOU. Create fun content that will make people want to come back and visit. 2. SEO. The dreaded words – Search Engine Optimization. It’s important to make sure your posts are SEO’ing properly. This is somethin... [article continues]


Tips On How To Promote Your Website

...the higher your ranking climbs. Google notes that incoming links are one of the top three ranking factors for SEO on the Google Search Engine but the content that links to your website must be quality content or else ...


Just Been Laid Off: A Survival Guide for SEO Professionals

This is it. You’ve been called into a meeting by your manager They explain that they are making cutbacks. You’ve just been laid off. They escort you out. The entire exchange took approximately 10 minutes. Maybe 20 if the... [article continues]


Search Engine Optimisation – A Guide From Polish Journalists

That’s why online editors – and Polish editors in particular – need to understand the basics of SEO: Search Engine Optimisation. The Polish media environment is characterised by a highly competitive broadcasting secto... [article continues]


Wednesday, 24 January 2018

Going to cold call 500 businesses tomorrow any tips for success ?

The list of businesses that i have are all from google. On 3-4 pages for their keywords not ranking well. I provide SEO services, i want to sell results i get it, but how can i word seo in a way a business owner doesn't say "oh not another seo guy".


Tips For Getting Your Family Ready For Your Upcoming Thailand Vacation

Chief editor and author at LERAblog, writing useful articles and HOW TOs on various topics. Particularly interested in topics such as Internet, advertising, SEO, web development, and business.


5 Tech Courses to Guide You Through Programming, Marketing, and More

This in-depth course dives into SEO, Facebook, YouTube, Google Analytics, AdWords, and much more—outlining everything you need to know in order to reach more users and make long-lasting impressions on current and potential customers... [article continues]


A content marketer’s guide to every 2018 Google SERP feature

In 2018, here is every Google SERP feature you can expect to come across. SEO software tool Rank Ranger crunches SERP numbers in real time and found paid ads (currently) appear on 15.65 percent of page one results. On the organic side... [article continues]


The Quick & Easy Guide To Create Relevant Content That Ranks & Converts

Let’s say that we have an SEO consulting company and we want to create a blog post about what clients should look for in an SEO Report. The first thing we should do is go to SEMrush and enter our idea into the Topic Researc... [article continues]


Tips To Build Your 2018 Magento SEO Strategy

With eCommerce growing exponentially every year, the challenges and obstacles of 2017 will soon be forgotten let alone the mishaps. As we approach the new year, it’s mandatory that we learn from these experiences in order to build a better strategy.


SEO Marketing Strategy: Tips for Success in 2018

Businesses should use 2018 to break the bad habit of viewing aspects of an SEO marketing strategy as a one-time exercise. Too often, some companies optimize a website page and never adjust it. Though 61% of marketers in a 2017 HubSpo... [article continues]


Tips On How To Promote Your Website

...the higher your ranking climbs. Google notes that incoming links are one of the top three ranking factors for SEO on the Google Search Engine but the content that links to your website must be quality content or else ...


How To Start A Lucrative Equipment Leasing Business In Nigeria: The Complete Guide

...part of running any business as without sales your business is dead. The first thing you could do is to build an SEO ready website so you can get SEO traffic from people searching online for businesses that lease the equipment ...... [article continues]


Tuesday, 23 January 2018

Tips On How To Promote Your Website

...the higher your ranking climbs. Google notes that incoming links are one of the top three ranking factors for SEO on the Google Search Engine but the content that links to your website must be quality content or else ...


Does Google Use Latent Semantic Indexing?

Google Targeted Advertising, Part 1

Google Targeted Advertisements

One of the inventors of the newly granted patent I am writing about was behind one of the most visited Google patents I’ve written about, from Ross Koningstein, which I posted about under the title, The Google Rank-Modifying Spammers Patent It described a social engineering approach to stop site owners from using spammy tactics to raise the ranking of pages.

This new patent is about targeted advertising at Google in paid search, which I haven’t written too much about here. I did write one post about paid search, which I called, Google’s Second Most Important Algorithm? Before Google’s Panda, there was Phil I started that post with a quote from Steven Levy, the author of the book In the Plex, which goes like this:

They named the project Phil because it sounded friendly. (For those who required an acronym, they had one handy: Probabilistic Hierarchical Inferential Learner.) That was bad news for a Google Engineer named Phil who kept getting emails about the system. He begged Harik to change the name, but Phil it was.

What this showed us was that Google did not use the AdSense algorithm from the company they acquired in 2003 named Applied Semantics to build paid search. But, it’s been interesting seeing Google achieve so much based on a business model that relies upon advertising because they seemed so dead set against advertising when then first started out the search engine. For instance, there is a passage in an early paper about the search engine they developed that has an appendix about advertising.

If you read through The Anatomy of a Large-Scale Hypertextual Web Search Engine, you learn a lot about how the search engine was intended to work. But the section about advertising is really interesting. There, they tell us:

Currently, the predominant business model for commercial search engines is advertising. The goals of the advertising business model do not always correspond to providing quality search to users. For example, in our prototype search engine, one of the top results for cellular phone is “The Effect of Cellular Phone Use Upon Driver Attention”, a study which explains in great detail the distractions and risk associated with conversing on a cell phone while driving. This search result came up first because of its high importance as judged by the PageRank algorithm, an approximation of citation importance on the web [Page, 98]. It is clear that a search engine which was taking money for showing cellular phone ads would have difficulty justifying the page that our system returned to its paying advertisers. For this type of reason and historical experience with other media [Bagdikian 83], we expect that advertising funded search engines will be inherently biased towards the advertisers and away from the needs of the consumers.

So, when Google was granted a patent on December 26, 2017, that provides more depth on how targeted advertising might work at Google, it made interesting reading. This is a continuation patent, which means the description ideally should be approximately the same as the original patent, but the claims should be updated to reflect how the search engine might be using the processes described in a newer manner. The older version of the patent was filed on December 30, 2004, but it wasn’t granted under the earlier claims. It may be possble to dig up those earlier claims, but it is interesting looking at the description that accompanies the newest version of the patent to get a sense of how it works. Here is a link to the newest version of the patent with claims that were updated in 2015:

Associating features with entities, such as categories of web page documents, and/or weighting such features
Inventors: Ross Koningstein, Stephen Lawrence, and Valentin Spitkovsky
Assignee: Google Inc.
US Patent: 9,852,225
Granted: December 26, 2017
Filed: April 23, 2015


Features that may be used to represent relevance information (e.g., properties, characteristics, etc.) of an entity, such as a document or concept for example, may be associated with the document by accepting an identifier that identifies a document; obtaining search query information (and/or other serving parameter information) related to the document using the document identifier, determining features using the obtained query information (and/or other serving parameter information), and associating the features determined with the document. Weights of such features may be similarly determined. The weights may be determined using scores. The scores may be a function of one or more of whether the document was selected, a user dwell time on a selected document, whether or not a conversion occurred with respect to the document, etc. The document may be a Web page. The features may be n-grams. The relevance information of the document may be used to target the serving of advertisements with the document.

I will continue with details about how this patent describes how they might target advertising at Google in a part 2 of this post.

Copyright © 2018 SEO by the Sea ⚓. This Feed is for personal non-commercial use only. If you are not reading this material in your news aggregator, the site you are looking at may be guilty of copyright infringement. Please contact SEO by the Sea, so we can take appropriate action immediately.
Plugin by Taragana

The post Google Targeted Advertising, Part 1 appeared first on SEO by the Sea ⚓.


The Definitive Guide to Removing Duplicate Content from Your Site

In soccer, the ref holds up a red card when he or she notices a penalty. With Google, the penalty for duplicate content can completely destroy your SEO strategy. Much of your marketing success revolves around your SEO strategy. If you rise through the ...


Tips on how to find quality content for your website

The advantage of using an SEO service is that they will know how to link your blog with authority sites and influencers to maximize its reach. SEO and social marketing firms push out your content through social media campaigns designe... [article continues]


Google's John Mueller Detailed SEO Advice To Webmaster Who Merged Four Sites

John Mueller of Google is always super active in the forums, on Twitter and in many other areas including conferences and hangouts helping SEOs and webmasters with their Google questions. But often, when it comes to one-on-one advice, his responses are ...


Marketing Optimization Week is coming! 4 Free Days of Advice From Experts in PPC, Automation, AI, and Strategy

Bringing over 15 years in search experience to the table, Purna’s an expert in SEO, everything Bing, and voice search. You’ll walk away with three critical steps you can take today to set yourself up for AI success. Self-professe... [article continues]


10 Must Have WordPress Plugins for 2018

Original source: 10 Must Have WordPress Plugins for 2018 via DailySEOblog.

So, you have a WordPress site that you have put in a lot of effort designing, updating and optimizing. Well, you’re not alone, given that almost 16 million websites have been created on WordPress as of 2017. Not just that, Google recorded 37 million global searches for WordPress per month, as of 2016. This free,...


Monday, 22 January 2018

Sunday, 21 January 2018

The Game-Changing SEO Guide for 2018

No, this is not a post about SEO predictions for 2018. This is a guide based on strategies that are already working and that will work even better throughout this year. If you’re a regular on SiteProNews and you’ve alread... [article continues]


Off-Page SEO Guide [Animated Infographic]

Karl Balino, Negosentro | The SEO industry changes very quickly and it’s important to stay ahead of the curve by implementing tactics that bring positive results to your website rankings. While you’re focusing on on-pag... [article continues]


Three Tips For Writing High-Performing Pharmaceutical SEM Ad Copy

CEO and Founder of Sosemo LLC, an award-winning digital marketing agency that specializes in media buying and search marketing (SEM/SEO). From a search engine marketing (SEM) perspective, writing effective Google ads for pharmaceutical products poses ...


Saturday, 20 January 2018

The Definitive Guide to Removing Duplicate Content from Your Site

In soccer, the ref holds up a red card when he or she notices a penalty. With Google, the penalty for duplicate content can completely destroy your SEO strategy. Much of your marketing success revolves around your SEO strategy. If you rise through the ...


Google Targeted Advertising, Part 1

Google Targeted Advertisements

One of the inventors of the newly granted patent I am writing about was behind one of the most visited Google patents I’ve written about, from Ross Koningstein, which I posted about under the title, The Google Rank-Modifying Spammers Patent It described a social engineering approach to stop site owners from using spammy tactics to raise the ranking of pages.

This new patent is about targeted advertising at Google in paid search, which I haven’t written too much about here. I did write one post about paid search, which I called, Google’s Second Most Important Algorithm? Before Google’s Panda, there was Phil I started that post with a quote from Steven Levy, the author of the book In the Plex, which goes like this:

They named the project Phil because it sounded friendly. (For those who required an acronym, they had one handy: Probabilistic Hierarchical Inferential Learner.) That was bad news for a Google Engineer named Phil who kept getting emails about the system. He begged Harik to change the name, but Phil it was.

What this showed us was that Google did not use the AdSense algorithm from the company they acquired in 2003 named Applied Semantics to build paid search. But, it’s been interesting seeing Google achieve so much based on a business model that relies upon advertising because they seemed so dead set against advertising when then first started out the search engine. For instance, there is a passage in an early paper about the search engine they developed that has an appendix about advertising.

If you read through The Anatomy of a Large-Scale Hypertextual Web Search Engine, you learn a lot about how the search engine was intended to work. But the section about advertising is really interesting. There, they tell us:

Currently, the predominant business model for commercial search engines is advertising. The goals of the advertising business model do not always correspond to providing quality search to users. For example, in our prototype search engine, one of the top results for cellular phone is “The Effect of Cellular Phone Use Upon Driver Attention”, a study which explains in great detail the distractions and risk associated with conversing on a cell phone while driving. This search result came up first because of its high importance as judged by the PageRank algorithm, an approximation of citation importance on the web [Page, 98]. It is clear that a search engine which was taking money for showing cellular phone ads would have difficulty justifying the page that our system returned to its paying advertisers. For this type of reason and historical experience with other media [Bagdikian 83], we expect that advertising funded search engines will be inherently biased towards the advertisers and away from the needs of the consumers.

So, when Google was granted a patent on December 26, 2017, that provides more depth on how targeted advertising might work at Google, it made interesting reading. This is a continuation patent, which means the description ideally should be approximately the same as the original patent, but the claims should be updated to reflect how the search engine might be using the processes described in a newer manner. The older version of the patent was filed on December 30, 2004, but it wasn’t granted under the earlier claims. It may be possble to dig up those earlier claims, but it is interesting looking at the description that accompanies the newest version of the patent to get a sense of how it works. Here is a link to the newest version of the patent with claims that were updated in 2015:

Associating features with entities, such as categories of web page documents, and/or weighting such features
Inventors: Ross Koningstein, Stephen Lawrence, and Valentin Spitkovsky
Assignee: Google Inc.
US Patent: 9,852,225
Granted: December 26, 2017
Filed: April 23, 2015


Features that may be used to represent relevance information (e.g., properties, characteristics, etc.) of an entity, such as a document or concept for example, may be associated with the document by accepting an identifier that identifies a document; obtaining search query information (and/or other serving parameter information) related to the document using the document identifier, determining features using the obtained query information (and/or other serving parameter information), and associating the features determined with the document. Weights of such features may be similarly determined. The weights may be determined using scores. The scores may be a function of one or more of whether the document was selected, a user dwell time on a selected document, whether or not a conversion occurred with respect to the document, etc. The document may be a Web page. The features may be n-grams. The relevance information of the document may be used to target the serving of advertisements with the document.

I will continue with details about how this patent describes how they might target advertising at Google in a part 2 of this post.

Copyright © 2018 SEO by the Sea ⚓. This Feed is for personal non-commercial use only. If you are not reading this material in your news aggregator, the site you are looking at may be guilty of copyright infringement. Please contact SEO by the Sea, so we can take appropriate action immediately.
Plugin by Taragana

The post Google Targeted Advertising, Part 1 appeared first on SEO by the Sea ⚓.


5 Tips to Speed Up Your Writing Without Compromising Quality

...merits of maximizing quantity. The more guest posts you can produce, the wider your exposure and the bigger your SEO gains. And the more blog posts you can write, the more frequently your readers will ...


The Definitive Guide to Removing Duplicate Content from Your Site

In soccer, the ref holds up a red card when he or she notices a penalty. With Google, the penalty for duplicate content can completely destroy your SEO strategy. Much of your marketing success revolves around your SEO strategy. If you rise through the ...


The Definitive Guide to Removing Duplicate Content from Your Site

In soccer, the ref holds up a red card when he or she notices a penalty. With Google, the penalty for duplicate content can completely destroy your SEO strategy. Much of your marketing success revolves around your SEO strategy. If you rise through the ...


6 Must Know HVAC SEO Tips

Looking to improve the visibility of your HVAC company website? Then don't miss this article. Here you'll find 6 must-know HVAC SEO tips. That's right - and it means that you can't ignore SEO when it comes to promoting your HVAC business online. If you ...


Three Tips For Writing High-Performing Pharmaceutical SEM Ad Copy

CEO and Founder of Sosemo LLC, an award-winning digital marketing agency that specializes in media buying and search marketing (SEM/SEO). From a search engine marketing (SEM) perspective, writing effective Google ads for pharmaceutical products poses ...


8 Data-Driven Tips for Achieving E-Commerce Success

1. Step Up Your SEO Game, Using a Tactical Approach In 2018, search engine optimization should remain one of the key tools in your marketing mix. According to the study, direct and search traffic accounts for 42.18 percent and 40.1 percent of all e ...


Friday, 19 January 2018

8 Data-Driven Tips for Achieving E-Commerce Success

1. Step Up Your SEO Game, Using a Tactical Approach In 2018, search engine optimization should remain one of the key tools in your marketing mix. According to the study, direct and search traffic accounts for 42.18 percent and 40.1 percent of all e ...


8 Data-Driven Tips for Achieving E-Commerce Success

1. Step Up Your SEO Game, Using a Tactical Approach In 2018, search engine optimization should remain one of the key tools in your marketing mix. According to the study, direct and search traffic accounts for 42.18 percent and 40.1 percent of all e ...


8 Data-Driven Tips for Achieving E-Commerce Success

1. Step Up Your SEO Game, Using a Tactical Approach In 2018, search engine optimization should remain one of the key tools in your marketing mix. According to the study, direct and search traffic accounts for 42.18 percent and 40.1 percent of all e ...


8 Data-Driven Tips for Achieving E-Commerce Success

1. Step Up Your SEO Game, Using a Tactical Approach In 2018, search engine optimization should remain one of the key tools in your marketing mix. According to the study, direct and search traffic accounts for 42.18 percent and 40.1 percent of all e ...


Insite Advice Adds Missouri Poison Center to Client Portfolio

Alex Wolk, Founder of Insite Advice. One of Insite's specialties is search engine optimization, or SEO, a tactic that most web-based operations use to make sure they're appearing in related searches. For the MPC, this means a reac... [article continues]


13 Tips for Speeding up Your Website

...super important for two reasons, each of which can be expressed with a well-known acronym: UX and SEO. UX, which stands for user experience, refers to how pleasant your site is for ...


8 Data-Driven Tips for Achieving E-Commerce Success

1. Step Up Your SEO Game, Using a Tactical Approach In 2018, search engine optimization should remain one of the key tools in your marketing mix. According to the study, direct and search traffic accounts for 42.18 percent and 40.1 percent of all e ...


fishbat Shares Four Content Publishing Tips for Tamper Evident Seals Manufacturers

Through innovative strategies in social media management, search engine optimization (SEO), branding, web design, reputation management and public relations, fishbat promotes a consistent and professional online voice for all of it... [article continues]


13 Tips for Speeding up Your Website

...super important for two reasons, each of which can be expressed with a well-known acronym: UX and SEO. UX, which stands for user experience, refers to how pleasant your site is for ...


Thursday, 18 January 2018

SEO Tips 2018

...high is very important in digital marketing. It allows you can stay relevant and gain competitive advantage. SEO has become increasingly essential for businesses and bloggers in an attempt to drive more traffic towards their sites.... [article continues]


12 Statistics to Guide Your B2B Marketing Investment in 2018

While monetary investments vary depending on business size, industry, and overall marketing program, this statistic makes clear that SEO plays a critical role in digital marketing. Technical SEO, content development, traffic analysis, and link building ...


How To Vet A Website Purchase: Buyer’s Guide

Organic search is one of the best ways to evaluate a site’s true worth and value. Not knowing the full SEO picture will massively put you on the backfoot commercially when you take the site over. Conducting SEO audits using ... [article continues]


What’s New in Marketing on YouTube: Tips You Need to Know for 2018

YouTube is the second largest search engine after Google, so you cannot neglect SEO needs for promoting your video content. One of the search optimization instruments for video hosting is a hashtag. There are different types of hashtags in YouTube ...


What’s New in Marketing on YouTube: Tips You Need to Know for 2018

YouTube is the second largest search engine after Google, so you cannot neglect SEO needs for promoting your video content. One of the search optimization instruments for video hosting is a hashtag. There are different types of hashtags in YouTube ...


Wednesday, 17 January 2018

10 SEO Predictions from SEO Experts for 2018

Original source: 10 SEO Predictions from SEO Experts for 2018 via DailySEOblog.

Did you know that 60% of all clicks made during an online search go to the top three websites in the search results page? There is no denying the fact that optimizing your website/blog for search engines helps you rank higher and get more traffic. Studies have shown that businesses with strong keywords in their company name...


11 tips to tackle SEO in 2018

In the race to stand out online, it’s no longer who you know—it’s who knows you. Search engine optimization can help consumers find your organization’s website, and with an outstanding virtual presence, tha... [article continues]


What’s New in Marketing on YouTube: Tips You Need to Know for 2018

YouTube is the second largest search engine after Google, so you cannot neglect SEO needs for promoting your video content. One of the search optimization instruments for video hosting is a hashtag. There are different types of hashtags in YouTube ...


Top 10 Tips for Hiring a Web Designer for Your Business

Take note of what they have to say about the designer. For Search Engine Optimization or SEO of the websites, small businesses don’t look for separate firms. So it is quite beneficial to hire a web designer who also has experienc... [article continues]


The Definitive Guide to Running an SEO Website Audit

You know when you spend time and money working on your site to get it where you want it, but you’re still not seeing the traffic that you want? Or when you’re always left wondering why your competitors have higher Google rankings than you do?


fishbat Lists Five B2B Tips For Tamper Seals Companies In Digital Outreach

Through innovative strategies in social media management, search engine optimization (SEO), branding, web design, reputation management and public relations, fishbat promotes a consistent and professional online voice for all of its clients.


What’s New in Marketing on YouTube: Tips You Need to Know for 2018

YouTube is the second largest search engine after Google, so you cannot neglect SEO needs for promoting your video content. One of the search optimization instruments for video hosting is a hashtag. There are different types of hashtags in YouTube ...


8+ Best WordPress Plugins That’ll Help Reduce Bounce Rates

Original source: 8+ Best WordPress Plugins That’ll Help Reduce Bounce Rates via DailySEOblog.

Did you know that bounce rates within the range of 26% to 40 % is considered excellent, 41% to 55% roughly average, while that lying between 56% to 70% is higher than average? But once you have a bounce rate of over 70%, it is time you do something about it. This is not a...


5 Tips For Running A Successful Franchise

You can achieve this through advertising, promotions, public relations, SEO, and other avenues. Facebook’s finely tuned ad model is a great place to start. You can set your own budget, and hone in on local customers who shar... [article continues]


Tuesday, 16 January 2018

5 Tips for Getting Hired as a UX Designer for the First Time

Chief editor and author at LERAblog, writing useful articles and HOW TOs on various topics. Particularly interested in topics such as Internet, advertising, SEO, web development, and business.


13 Tips for Speeding up Your Website

...super important for two reasons, each of which can be expressed with a well-known acronym: UX and SEO. UX, which stands for user experience, refers to how pleasant your site is for ...


6 Tips To Keep In Mind When Designing A New Website

...have a simple, sleek, and functional website than to have a complex, sloppy, dysfunctional website. Author's Bio: SEO-SA is South Africa’s #1 Off Page SEO Company in Johannesburg. We specialize in Link Building, Local Search ... [article continues]


Need some advice on a CMS site and hosting

My dad has this old website, with his host he has had for years; it doesn't have any SEO, no .NET capability and just a straight forward HTML site. He is basically wanting a Content Management Site where he can add and do things an... [article continues]


A Simple Guide for the Busy Marketer: Using data from online marketing and web analytics tools

You would create a hypothesis. And run an online test. For example, if your goal for an SEO landing page is to click through to other pages with deeper info on the topic, and you run tests to improve the headlines for those topic... [article continues]


7 Budget Tips for Social Media Marketing

You can also outsource content creation. There are business specific content and SEO sites to take care of the task. For instance, if you own Physiotherapy clinic, there are reputed sites that handle all the online marketing task... [article continues]


Monday, 15 January 2018

A Guide To Understanding Your Digital Marketer

Most business owners and executives have been told how SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) and SEM (Search Engine Management) is being used to boost rankings, bring in new customers and boost sales but few ever have the tactics being used fully explained.


11 Technical SEO Tips to Boost Google Rankings [Infographic]

So, you want to rank higher on Google and you’re reading up on SEO - but is your website sound from a technical point of view? Joint Views share their technical SEO tips for success in this infographic.


10 SEO Tactics That No Longer Work

Original source: 10 SEO Tactics That No Longer Work via DailySEOblog.

You know what works. You also got to know what won’t, right? Focussing on YouTube SEO, improved site speed, topics instead of keywords, technical optimization, engagement to improve rankings, building backlinks, making the existing pages longer will be some of the advanced SEO techniques and strategies that will rule in 2018, according to Single Grain. However,...


Google Updates Page Speed Insights Tool!

Original source: Google Updates Page Speed Insights Tool! via DailySEOblog.

So, Google just updated its Page Speed Insights tool – the tool webmasters can use to analyze and grade their websites performance. According to Google, the old tool provided suggestions without context on how the website/pages performed in real world, making it difficult for webmasters to figure out when and what to implement based on...


Brand Health: 5 Tips to Keep Your Image Sparkling

...funds are low. Investing money in your brand is key. Set aside a portion of your budget for your web design, your SEO, your content strategy, your social media marketing strategy, and so on. Web design is important because it ...


10 SEO Tips You Cannot Afford to Miss in 2018

In the world of SEO, you will need to do plenty of things if you’d like to continue to rank in 2018. Not much has changed, but if you haven’t been around for a while, you have plenty of things to catch up on, so get t... [article continues]


Sunday, 14 January 2018

A Guide to Responsive Images with Ready-to-Use Templates

...that are not compressed properly, and images that are too big will all decrease the page speed and impact your SEO. According to Google, anything above 2 ...


Saturday, 13 January 2018

Tips Towards Mastering Google’s Search Technology

First, SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. It is the art of working with Google’s search algorithm to rank higher in the results that pop up after a web user searches relevant keywords. The object of the game is to gra... [article continues]


Friday, 12 January 2018

Text Is Not Dead: Facebook Video Tips for Bloggers

Furthermore, adding video to her blog has a direct impact on SEO, driving traffic to the Simply Recipes site. Keep in mind, when creating social videos, format is key. While running an A/B test of square vs. landscape video, Elis... [article continues]


Text Is Not Dead: Facebook Video Tips for Bloggers

Furthermore, adding video to her blog has a direct impact on SEO, driving traffic to the Simply Recipes site. Keep in mind, when creating social videos, format is key. While running an A/B test of square vs. landscape video, Elis... [article continues]


Blogger Week in Review EP27 :: The Best Outreach Marketing Tips for Marketers and Bloggers

Nikolay Stoyanov of Clickz outlines a step-by-step process to build an influencer outreach plan with an SEO standpoint. Four ways to succeed with influencer outreach With influencer outreach, marketers are able to promote their brand and content by ...


Text Is Not Dead: Facebook Video Tips for Bloggers

Furthermore, adding video to her blog has a direct impact on SEO, driving traffic to the Simply Recipes site. Keep in mind, when creating social videos, format is key. While running an A/B test of square vs. landscape video, Elis... [article continues]


Text Is Not Dead: Facebook Video Tips for Bloggers

Furthermore, adding video to her blog has a direct impact on SEO, driving traffic to the Simply Recipes site. Keep in mind, when creating social videos, format is key. While running an A/B test of square vs. landscape video, Elis... [article continues]


Ultimate Guide to Rank Your E-Commerce Site in SERP

One of the most crucial things to consider is the SEO of the website and that too in a best ethical manner. According to researchers, consumers still use search engines when they want to buy products or services online and if you... [article continues]


On-Page SEO: Your Guide To Simple Yet Effective Strategies

If you have previously looked at guides for on-page SEO, chances are you’ve been floored by the plethora of tips and so-called tricks, many of which are challenging to understand and incorporate into your current strategy. S... [article continues]


Why Consider a Website Redesign – Tips and Recommendations

On top of that, important factors such as search engine optimization (SEO), SSL (which affects ranking and security), and mobile friendliness (which affects ranking and conversions) can end up being neglected. As an expert, that’s where you come in.


Text Is Not Dead: Facebook Video Tips for Bloggers

Furthermore, adding video to her blog has a direct impact on SEO, driving traffic to the Simply Recipes site. Keep in mind, when creating social videos, format is key. While running an A/B test of square vs. landscape video, Elis... [article continues]


11 Technical SEO Tips to Boost Google Rankings [Infographic]

So, you want to rank higher on Google and you’re reading up on SEO - but is your website sound from a technical point of view? Joint Views share their technical SEO tips for success in this infographic.


Text Is Not Dead: Facebook Video Tips for Bloggers

Furthermore, adding video to her blog has a direct impact on SEO, driving traffic to the Simply Recipes site. Keep in mind, when creating social videos, format is key. While running an A/B test of square vs. landscape video, Elis... [article continues]


Thursday, 11 January 2018

Google Updates Page Speed Insights Tool!

Original source: Google Updates Page Speed Insights Tool! via DailySEOblog.

So, Google just updated its Page Speed Insights tool – the tool webmasters can use to analyze and grade their websites performance. According to Google, the old tool provided suggestions without context on how the website/pages performed in real world, making it difficult for webmasters to figure out when and what to implement based on...


How Trailing Slash on URLs Affect SEO – Clarification from Google

Original source: How Trailing Slash on URLs Affect SEO – Clarification from Google via DailySEOblog.

Duplicate content is a big deal for SEO. Different versions of same content on your website can create big SEO issues, and if not dealt with properly, can lead to SEO disasters. Trailing slashes have been notorious in creating duplicate content. SEOs have been asking the question about whether additional slashes at the end of...


10 Tips for New Media Marketing

Pay-Per-Click (PPC) advertising has become very popular lately because it drives results! Whereas your organic search engine optimization (SEO) strategy might get you on the first page of Google, it can take months to do so. A PPC campaign can get you ...


Why Consider a Website Redesign – Tips and Recommendations

On top of that, important factors such as search engine optimization (SEO), SSL (which affects ranking and security), and mobile friendliness (which affects ranking and conversions) can end up being neglected. As an expert, that’s where you come in.


Google News Ranking And Traffic: 11 Tips To Increase Visibility In 2018

Finally, SEO strategies can quickly elevate your Google News rankings. Use Google Trends to identify current keyword terms and trends…and use them. Begin with trending terms that are currently not getting the attention the... [article continues]


A Marketer’s Guide to Models

For an excellent primer, I still recommend an article that a colleague of mine at the time (Mike Pantoliano) wrote back in 2012 or so: Excel for SEO. I wanted to share something real, but everything I’ve built recently has been too niche or too ...


21 Experts Share Their Single Best Piece of SEO Advice

While I like to think of myself as pretty knowledgeable in the SEO realm, I spend countless hours each week reading articles, social posts, and basically digesting what others have learned. Thankfully I know a lot of bright people... [article continues]


The Intermediate Guide to Ecommerce SEO

This article picks up right where The Beginner’s Guide to Ecommerce SEO left off. If you haven’t already read it, please be sure to do so before continuing on. We talked about site architecture a bit when we addressed sit... [article continues]


vSpeaking Podcast Episode 65: Expert Blogging Tips

...if it’s a step by step make sure twice or three times the steps are correct and if you want to improve some SEO and such, make beauty banners for both, blog size and social media size to make more impact and have more ...


How to Choose the Best Links for Outreach Campaigns – Detailed Guide

When executing the link building campaign, the main benefit is leveraging SEO juice from a linking sites and getting higher in SERP. There are thousands of possibilities where to get a link from but the resources are often limited... [article continues]


SEO tips for online retailers moving to a new website

Migrating a website can quickly turn into a disaster if the SEO implications are not considered during the migration phase. This white paper discusses the key SEO activities required during the onerous task of migrating a retail website... [article continues]


Wednesday, 10 January 2018

10 SEO Tactics That No Longer Work

Original source: 10 SEO Tactics That No Longer Work via DailySEOblog.

You know what works. You also got to know what won’t, right? Focussing on YouTube SEO, improved site speed, topics instead of keywords, technical optimization, engagement to improve rankings, building backlinks, making the existing pages longer will be some of the advanced SEO techniques and strategies that will rule in 2018, according to Single Grain. However,...


SeoSamba Unveils Its Guide to Successful Franchise Development and Brand Marketing Strategies

CAMDEN, Del., Jan. 10, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- SeoSamba, the international SEO and sales & marketing automation software company, released its comprehensive guide on franchise development and brand marketing strategies on January 10, 2018. The Franchise ...


4 Tips to Increase Your e-Commerce Store’s Conversion Rates in 2018

The text is important, too. Don’t just rely on the manufacturer’s words. Doing so will damage your SEO score as you will be lumped in with all the other retailers using the same copy. Write better descriptions that summariz... [article continues]


Rank on Featured Snippets With 3 Easy Tips

Want to go to position zero in the SERPs and be an SEO hero? Google is always in a state of flux. These days, SEO experts aren’t as concerned with position one in the rankings as they are with position zero. And to further demonstrat... [article continues]


Official Guide to Google Webmaster Tools SEO tricks

What is “Google Webmaster tools”? Each SEO expert’s task is to help Google with the process of crawling your site. And what is the best way for the search engine to do that? Various methods might be helpful if yo... [article continues]


Google Updates Page Speed Insights Tool!

Original source: Google Updates Page Speed Insights Tool! via DailySEOblog.

So, Google just updated its Page Speed Insights tool – the tool webmasters can use to analyze and grade their websites performance. According to Google, the old tool provided suggestions without context on how the website/pages performed in real world, making it difficult for webmasters to figure out when and what to implement based on...


Building a wordpress website: an extensive guide to themes and templates

But extending its functionality is an equally important aspect. Some concerns of a website like seo, social media, page load time etc. are universal in nature. In order to reduce a good amount of workload, WordPress allows for plugins and extensions.


Expert SEO Tips for Your MENA Startup in 2018

So, you’d like to have more people find out about your startup in 2018? If you’re interested in securing more web traffic—and having relevant prospective customers discover you—you’ll want to check ou... [article continues]


vSpeaking Podcast Episode 65: Expert Blogging Tips

...if it’s a step by step make sure twice or three times the steps are correct and if you want to improve some SEO and such, make beauty banners for both, blog size and social media size to make more impact and have more ...


Tuesday, 9 January 2018

vSpeaking Podcast Episode 65: Expert Blogging Tips

...if it’s a step by step make sure twice or three times the steps are correct and if you want to improve some SEO and such, make beauty banners for both, blog size and social media size to make more impact and have more ...


Ten Top Tips on the Basics of Website SEO for Beginners

Getting a slick, professional-looking website up and running quickly is something that anyone can manage these days, thanks to template tools and coding software that take the hard work out of taking care of your site’s bac... [article continues]


A Beginner’s Guide

...occurrence on the web – pun somewhat intended. Albeit, they’re a different, digital kind of arachnid. SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. Basically, it is the extent to which your site is found using the various ava... [article continues]


What is Internet Marketing? Your Guide to Today's Online Marketing

For an example, check out Search Engine Journal’s Search Engine Nerds, about SEO, paid search, social media, and content marketing. It’s easy to see why videos dominate. Videos are simple to consume, they’re entertaining... [article continues]


Monday, 8 January 2018

What is Internet Marketing? Your Guide to Today's Online Marketing

For an example, check out Search Engine Journal’s Search Engine Nerds, about SEO, paid search, social media, and content marketing. It’s easy to see why videos dominate. Videos are simple to consume, they’re entertaining... [article continues]


vSpeaking Podcast Episode 65: Expert Blogging Tips

...if it’s a step by step make sure twice or three times the steps are correct and if you want to improve some SEO and such, make beauty banners for both, blog size and social media size to make more impact and have more ...


What is Internet Marketing? Your Guide to Today's Online Marketing

For an example, check out Search Engine Journal’s Search Engine Nerds, about SEO, paid search, social media, and content marketing. It’s easy to see why videos dominate. Videos are simple to consume, they’re entertaining... [article continues]


What is Internet Marketing? Your Guide to Today's Online Marketing

For an example, check out Search Engine Journal’s Search Engine Nerds, about SEO, paid search, social media, and content marketing. It’s easy to see why videos dominate. Videos are simple to consume, they’re entertaining... [article continues]


8 Holiday Park SEO Tips You Need To Know

Do you want to attract families to your holiday park? Online visibility is key! Read here to learn 8 holiday park SEO tips you need to know about. While we all wish life were one permanent vacation, it's simply not true. In fact, American... [article continues]


5 Amazing Tips For Medical SEO

Do you run a medical office or online medical supply store? Here are 5 amazing tips for medical SEO that will get your more clients and visibility. Do you run a medical office or online medical supply store? If so, you need to invest in medical SEO to ...


What is Internet Marketing? Your Guide to Today's Online Marketing

For an example, check out Search Engine Journal’s Search Engine Nerds, about SEO, paid search, social media, and content marketing. It’s easy to see why videos dominate. Videos are simple to consume, they’re entertaining... [article continues]


What is Internet Marketing? Your Guide to Today's Online Marketing

For an example, check out Search Engine Journal’s Search Engine Nerds, about SEO, paid search, social media, and content marketing. It’s easy to see why videos dominate. Videos are simple to consume, they’re entertaining... [article continues]


What is Internet Marketing? Your Guide to Today's Online Marketing

For an example, check out Search Engine Journal’s Search Engine Nerds, about SEO, paid search, social media, and content marketing. It’s easy to see why videos dominate. Videos are simple to consume, they’re entertaining... [article continues]


What is Internet Marketing? Your Guide to Today's Online Marketing

For an example, check out Search Engine Journal’s Search Engine Nerds, about SEO, paid search, social media, and content marketing. It’s easy to see why videos dominate. Videos are simple to consume, they’re entertaining... [article continues]


Some Cool Tips To Increase Earnings – Part 2

Today, we’ll be looking at factors like: Just like any other website online, the concept of SEO is very important. encourages people to embed keywords into the gigs so it helps them rank within the SERP’s. However... [article continues]


SEO Top Tips for New Businesses

If you have recently started a new business, focusing on SEO is paramount. Improving your website’s SEO will help your business rank well in the search engines, reach new customers and drive traffic to your site. But SEO is complex and involves ...


Sunday, 7 January 2018

4 Tips for Starting a Website

Chief editor and author at LERAblog, writing useful articles and HOW TOs on various topics. Particularly interested in topics such as Internet, advertising, SEO, web development, and business.


How Trailing Slash on URLs Affect SEO – Clarification from Google

Original source: How Trailing Slash on URLs Affect SEO – Clarification from Google via DailySEOblog.

Duplicate content is a big deal for SEO. Different versions of same content on your website can create big SEO issues, and if not dealt with properly, can lead to SEO disasters. Trailing slashes have been notorious in creating duplicate content. SEOs have been asking the question about whether additional slashes at the end of...


9 Tips for Optimizing your Video Marketing Content

While YouTube shouldn’t be the only platform you post to, it should be priority to post there for the SEO benefits. For example, using specified keywords that are highly searched by YouTube users, writing clear and long vide... [article continues]


9 Tips for Optimizing your Video Marketing Content

While YouTube shouldn’t be the only platform you post to, it should be priority to post there for the SEO benefits. For example, using specified keywords that are highly searched by YouTube users, writing clear and long vide... [article continues]


9 Tips for Optimizing your Video Marketing Content

While YouTube shouldn’t be the only platform you post to, it should be priority to post there for the SEO benefits. For example, using specified keywords that are highly searched by YouTube users, writing clear and long vide... [article continues]


Saturday, 6 January 2018

9 Tips for Optimizing your Video Marketing Content

While YouTube shouldn’t be the only platform you post to, it should be priority to post there for the SEO benefits. For example, using specified keywords that are highly searched by YouTube users, writing clear and long vide... [article continues]


9 Tips for Optimizing your Video Marketing Content

While YouTube shouldn’t be the only platform you post to, it should be priority to post there for the SEO benefits. For example, using specified keywords that are highly searched by YouTube users, writing clear and long vide... [article continues]


9 Tips for Optimizing your Video Marketing Content

While YouTube shouldn’t be the only platform you post to, it should be priority to post there for the SEO benefits. For example, using specified keywords that are highly searched by YouTube users, writing clear and long vide... [article continues]


Your Guide to Hallmark’s Winterfest Schedule 2018

To date, she has written 1,629 articles for Textbroker and 1,023 for HireWriters on subjects ranging from advertising, affiliate marketing, article recaps, blog posts, SEO, web pages, and automated content marketing to health, beauty, and fashion ...


9 Tips for Optimizing your Video Marketing Content

While YouTube shouldn’t be the only platform you post to, it should be priority to post there for the SEO benefits. For example, using specified keywords that are highly searched by YouTube users, writing clear and long vide... [article continues]


Friday, 5 January 2018

9 Tips for Optimizing your Video Marketing Content

While YouTube shouldn’t be the only platform you post to, it should be priority to post there for the SEO benefits. For example, using specified keywords that are highly searched by YouTube users, writing clear and long vide... [article continues]


9 Tips for Optimizing your Video Marketing Content

While YouTube shouldn’t be the only platform you post to, it should be priority to post there for the SEO benefits. For example, using specified keywords that are highly searched by YouTube users, writing clear and long vide... [article continues]


9 Tips for Optimizing your Video Marketing Content

While YouTube shouldn’t be the only platform you post to, it should be priority to post there for the SEO benefits. For example, using specified keywords that are highly searched by YouTube users, writing clear and long vide... [article continues]


9 Tips for Optimizing your Video Marketing Content

While YouTube shouldn’t be the only platform you post to, it should be priority to post there for the SEO benefits. For example, using specified keywords that are highly searched by YouTube users, writing clear and long vide... [article continues]


9 Tips for Optimizing your Video Marketing Content

While YouTube shouldn’t be the only platform you post to, it should be priority to post there for the SEO benefits. For example, using specified keywords that are highly searched by YouTube users, writing clear and long vide... [article continues]


3 Crucial SEO Tips for Beginners

For e-commerce professionals, SEO is the lifeblood of their business. Without a healthy ranking on search engines, potential customers won’t be able to find your products online. To succeed in this increasingly competitive industry... [article continues]


9 Tips for Optimizing your Video Marketing Content

While YouTube shouldn’t be the only platform you post to, it should be priority to post there for the SEO benefits. For example, using specified keywords that are highly searched by YouTube users, writing clear and long vide... [article continues]


Search Buzz Video Recap: Google Voice Guidelines, SEO Tips & AdSense Display Issues

This week I published the monthly Google webmaster report, this past December was the busiest December in history. Google published their Google Assistant and voice search search quality raters guidelines. Google is testing a new look for some featured ...


9 Tips for Optimizing your Video Marketing Content

While YouTube shouldn’t be the only platform you post to, it should be priority to post there for the SEO benefits. For example, using specified keywords that are highly searched by YouTube users, writing clear and long vide... [article continues]


9 Tips for Optimizing your Video Marketing Content

While YouTube shouldn’t be the only platform you post to, it should be priority to post there for the SEO benefits. For example, using specified keywords that are highly searched by YouTube users, writing clear and long vide... [article continues]


9 Tips for Optimizing your Video Marketing Content

While YouTube shouldn’t be the only platform you post to, it should be priority to post there for the SEO benefits. For example, using specified keywords that are highly searched by YouTube users, writing clear and long vide... [article continues]


Thursday, 4 January 2018

Local Search Advertising Tips You Need to Know

SEO pairs well with paid search, so make sure you take your keyword research and apply it to your overall marketing content strategy, no matter whether it’s paid or organic. Updating your website and landing pages to reflec... [article continues]


Top 10 Basic Web Design Tips For Small and Medium Businesses

...and simple so that you can continue to add new pages as needs arise. 5. Hire a Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Firm: If you are working with an SEO web designer, then all is fine. Otherwise, you may decide to hire an SEO ...


Guide To Dealing With Negative Search Results

It would help you rank higher in the Google search results. 2. Take help of SEO to optimise your content. It helps to increase the traffic to your page. 3. Leave good and helpful comments under your real name in the comment section of influential websites.


9 Tips for Optimizing your Video Marketing Content

While YouTube shouldn’t be the only platform you post to, it should be priority to post there for the SEO benefits. For example, using specified keywords that are highly searched by YouTube users, writing clear and long vide... [article continues]


Six Tips for Turning Leads into Sales

By now, you likely have social media pages, SEO, a website, and other great tools for getting new customers into the door, but are those really turning into sales? FORBES contributor Jen Tadin offers six tips for maximizing your leads


9 Tips for Optimizing your Video Marketing Content

While YouTube shouldn’t be the only platform you post to, it should be priority to post there for the SEO benefits. For example, using specified keywords that are highly searched by YouTube users, writing clear and long vide... [article continues]


SEO News Roundup: Google’s Mobile-First Webmaster Tips

There is still no timeline for when it’s going to be completed You can check your log files for smartphone Googlebot activity to see when you migrated over to the mobile-first index You can also check that the snippets in th... [article continues]


Guide To Dealing With Negative Search Results

It would help you rank higher in the Google search results. 2. Take help of SEO to optimise your content. It helps to increase the traffic to your page. 3. Leave good and helpful comments under your real name in the comment section of influential websites.


Guide To Dealing With Negative Search Results

It would help you rank higher in the Google search results. 2. Take help of SEO to optimise your content. It helps to increase the traffic to your page. 3. Leave good and helpful comments under your real name in the comment section of influential websites.


6 Things to Put in Your Design Guide Right Now

That’s exactly what the SEO keyword list is supposed to do. Design elements should correlate to these keywords at all times to that content is related throughout the website design. With so many different mediums online (no... [article continues]


20 Killer Tips to Create a Successful Online Store

Running a blog is an opportunity to generate more store traffic. Posts that contain SEO keywords and contain useful information for consumers are likely to rank high in search engine results. Blog posts that rank well and encourage people to visit your ...


229: 2 Finance Bloggers Share their Tips for Building Blogs from Hobby to a Full Time Business

...what I’ve done today. When I first started out, one of the things I was most grateful for was learning SEO, search engine optimization. Because initially when I started the blog, no one was reading it.


229: 2 Finance Bloggers Share their Tips for Building Blogs from Hobby to a Full Time Business

...what I’ve done today. When I first started out, one of the things I was most grateful for was learning SEO, search engine optimization. Because initially when I started the blog, no one was reading it.


Wednesday, 3 January 2018

Complete Guide to Google Panda Update in 2018

Before we get into the impact of Panda, let’s lay a little SEO groundwork. Pre-Panda, SEO was a much dirtier business, and the good guys (high-quality sites) didn’t always win in the search rankings. As more and more irrelevant... [article continues]


6 Tips On Synchronising Your Online And Offline Marketing Efforts

Using instruments such as local SEO and offline promotional events, you can create an even bigger impact and attract walk-in customers. For this approach to work, both online and offline marketing efforts need to be synchronised. Thes... [article continues]


Selling on Amazon Australia: My Tips For Getting Started

Want to grow your Amazon business? Automate pricing, request feedback and reviews, improve your marketing & SEO and a lot more. Amazon consultants help with difficult issues like suspension, or help grow your business. All in the Web Retailer directory.


18 Digital Strategy Tips to Consider for 2018

4. Keep Your Eye on SEO (Still) SEO is not going out of fashion any time soon, the majority of people searching for your company on the web still refer to search engines as their first port of call. If you have a presence in the to... [article continues]


The Definitive Guide to SEO in 2018

The year of 2017 was relatively calm for SEOs. But no matter how peaceful the current SEO landscape looks, it doesn't mean you can lean back in your chair and relax! Voice search, artificial intelligence, and machine learning are amon... [article continues]


20 Tips for Scaling a WordPress Site When Traffic Soars

...terms of security and performance, you better believe they’ll hurt the user experience and, consequently, SEO. As your site receives more traffic, you can’t afford to have visitors hit these stumbling blocks ...


10 Tips for Writing Cold Emails That Will Land Your Next Big Job

For a marketer, it could involve analyzing the website's SEO performance to identify new areas of opportunity. Offering value will take different shapes for different professionals and seniority levels. The point is, offering valu... [article continues]


Basic Guide When It Comes To Affiliate Marketing 2

However, only work on one form of traffic generation at a time. Work on it until you have mastered it. Once you have mastered one SEO technique, go on to the next one. In affiliate marketing, multiple referrals benefit both website owners and affiliate ...


Tuesday, 2 January 2018

Tips To Set The Tone For Your Company's Branding And Business Decisions In 2018

For example, a dental practice should look deeper than simply writing some SEO blog posts about teeth whitening. Imagine how much of an impact you could make by instead hosting a Halloween candy buyback program that allows new an... [article continues]


A Business Owner’s Guide to Blowing Up on Reddit (Without Pissing Everyone Off)

...thing you should be aware of. It’s called “Karma.” And it’s Reddit’s version of SEO. The more Karma you have, the more attention Reddit will give you and the more likely it is that you’ll show y... [article continues]


The Content Creator’s Survival Guide to the 21st-Century more views in the long-run, more subscribers, more patrons, more MySpace/ Instagram/ Twitter followers, more SEO, more traffic, more everything. This gave rise to more ubiquitous titles like “productivity experts”, people that se... [article continues]
