Thursday, 3 November 2016

GS1 Web Vocabulary Schema Workshops in California

California bear flag

I noticed a blog post published yesterday, November 2, 2016, and it looked helpful: Use JSON-LD to add to your Website. Schema and structured data seem to be growing in importance on the Web, as we see more knowledge panels and rich snippets and product search results. I’ve been working Knowledge Panel into Site Audits. JSON-LD seems to be favored by Google in adding structured data on your web pages. See: What is JSON-LD? A Talk with Gregg Kellogg.

If you do SEO and aren’t familiar with GS1, you probably should be. They invented the use of bar codes in shopping. They also came up with GTINS (Global Trade Item Numbers) which are used online at places such as eBay and Amazon, and Google Product Search.

In February, GS1 published an extension to Schema for products. Extensions like this are how Search and SEO are growing. The Schema blog told us about it in:

GS1 Web vocabulary: welcoming the first External Extension We are told there that the benefits of the new extension are in: “significantly richer online product descriptions.” That could potentially lead to good things for search.

You can see this Web vocabulary here:

GS1 Web Vocabulary

GS1 is holding GS1 Web Vocabulary Workshops in California in November in San Diego and San Jose. The cost of the Workshops is $149.00 each.

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